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Evangelism · Worship · Prayer
WE Worship


这香就是众圣徒的祈祷。』 —— 启 5:8

『And when He had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.

Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 』 —— Revelations 5:8

全地祷告室事工回应这末世的呼召,装备代祷勇士进入这支复兴的河流,更希望唤醒神百姓对耶稣的爱,准备圣洁的新妇,迎接羔羊婚娶的日子 。

Our ministry has responded to the end-time prayer movement calling, and preparing worshippers and intercessors for the end-time revival.

2023 Prayer Room

Physical 实体

星期三 10am
星期六   9am

Online 祷告室 @ Zoom 

星期四 9am
星期六 8am

我们来到上帝的面前,毫无掩饰的进入祂的大爰之中。我们一星期有16 小时的祷吿时段,我们以琴与炉的方式来敬拜祷告,学习更爰耶稣。

Come to the Lord, just as you are. Enter into His indescribable love.

We have 16 hours of prayer room sessions each week, where we learn to love Christ more through the Harp and Bowl style of worship.


Prayer Room

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